Tuesday, 07 August 2012

Fw: New thinking on core training for faster running

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From: Sports Performance Bulletin <info@email.sports-performance.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 10:06:31 +0200 (CEST)
To: Mondli Linda<shekefula@gmail.com>
ReplyTo: sp_info-reply@email.sports-performance.com
Subject: New thinking on core training for faster running

Dear Mondli,

All too often runners overlook their body's core – their back, abdominals and hip musculature. In large part that's because of the enduring myth that to achieve their personal best what runners need to do is run lots and lots of miles.

But smart athletes know that's a big mistake.

They know that a strong core is essential to peak athletic performance. Your core acts as a transmission between your limbs, absorbing the energy your arms and legs generate when you're running.

So a weak 'transmission' (aka your core) will result in valuable running power being lost in twisting and turning movements.

Having a strong and specifically conditioned core will prevent this – and will also reduce your risk of injury, such as lower back and even knee and ankle problems. Because if your core is strong then the rest of your body will be 'anchored' and itself less likely to be strained, you'll be more in control of your movements and a better-balanced runner.

Given that running is such an important part of so many sports, not just track & field or distance running, I know my latest workbook in our 'Personal Training Series' will be a massive hit.

Core Training for Faster Running brings together everything you need to know about training your body's core muscles – and how to be a significantly faster runner as a result.

And because it's been written by two of my most well-qualified contributors, you can be confident that it's pretty much the last word on the subject.

John Shepherd brings the level of personal insight and experience to the subject that only an experienced competitive athlete can. John's a former international long-jumper – as well as a coach to elite athletes in the UK – who has written extensively on sports, health and fitness. In all, John has written eight books including 101 Athletic Drills for Young People and The Complete Guide to Sports Training. He has also authored several, successful training programmes for our 'Personal Training Online' series – including 'Fat Burning', the '3-month Muscle Builder Training Programme', the '24-week Marathon Programme' our '3-Month Speed Training Programme' and the 'Triathlon Training Programme'. And last, but not least, he's a long-standing contributor to our Peak Performance sports science newsletter.
Patrick Dale is probably equally well known to our regular readers. Not least of all because he's the author of several books in our best-selling "Building Solid Muscle" series. Patrick is a qualified health and fitness professional who served in the Royal Marine Commandos – one of the most elite fighting forces in the world – for five years, during which time he saw active duty in many parts of the world, including Northern Ireland. The Marines have a reputation for "training hard and fighting easy" and Patrick's high level of fitness was tested to the extreme during his service. Patrick left the Marines to resume his Health & Fitness career. Today, Patrick's main areas of interest include strength and conditioning for improved sports performance.

Unlike so much of what one finds on the internet, Core Training for Faster Running is informed by the very latest sports science. So you can follow with confidence all the training and conditioning advice it contains – without fear of injury.

What's more, both John and Patrick have gone the extra mile to make sure that you know exactly what you're doing when it comes to building up your core musculature. So every page of their carefully-crafted advice is properly set out and fully illustrated where needed with full colour photographs – so you are always sure exactly how to carry out each and any of the dozens of exercises and routines included in the book.

In short, Core Training for Faster Running is the very last word to conditioning your core – and a dramatic improvement in your running performance.

It's the only training resource you'll ever need on the subject.

And because it's available to you as a PDF download, you can start putting the ideas it contains into practice within just 24 hours.

As a subscriber to our weekly Sports Performance Bulletin, you're invited to get your copy of this brand new training program TODAY at an exclusive, advance order, discount price – but for a LIMITED time only. (More details on how to get your copy below.)

Where else can you find such cutting-edge advice in one place – and all of it based on the very latest sports science research?

As three of our Peak Performance customers put it:


"Training advice from Peak Performance has helped me to improve by using the correct exercises and strategies. I have also learned to get the maximum training effect with less time spent than in the past. A must for anyone wanting to keep abreast with the latest knowledge on sports performance."

Geoff Lienert, Distance Runner, New Zealand

"I like to know that I am getting information that the average person doesn't. This makes me feel like I'm one step ahead of my competition."

Gary Barnes, Triathlete, Australia

"Peak Performance articles helped me focus my training and gave me great results. I had hit a plateau, and thought I was through improving. Once I started applying the information in the articles, I was able to improve my times from 5ks on up to marathons."

Philip Aucoin, Distance Runner, USA

If you're really serious about becoming a SIGNIFICANTLY faster runner – and smashing your personal best – then it's time to take advantage of the latest sport science thinking. And impress your family, friends and workmates with your athletic prowess!

Get your copy of Core Training for Faster Running TODAY, at our special, 40%-discount, advance release price. What's more, you've got 30 days in the convenience of your own home or sports club to decide whether or not you want to keep the program or return it for a full refund.

So make sure you order your copy TODAY.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Pye
Publisher, Peak Performance

Click here to go to our special, 40% Discount Offer. Or read on to learn more about Core Training for Faster Running

Understanding Your Core: practical know-how for serious runners

The core is the collective term used to describe the muscles that control the movement of your spine. These muscles are capable of working alone but are often required to work in synergy when supporting your spine.

To ensure that you get the most out of the training methods and programmes that follow, in the first section of Core Training for Faster Running we set out, then discuss how to work with, the body's three distinct layers of core musculature:

  1. The Deep Layer – the tiny muscles that connect each of your vertebrae and control the movement of the individual bones that make up your spine. Also referred to as position sense muscles, these vertically, diagonally and horizontally arranged structures connect each vertebra to its neighbour. Although you won't be targeting these micro-muscles during any of your core workouts, you can be assured that the 'inerspinalis', 'rotatores' and 'intertransverserii' will be doing all they can to keep each of your vertebrae individually aligned.
  2. The Middle Layer (sometimes referred to as the inner unit) which plays a vital part in spine stability. Whilst not responsible for any gross spinal movements, the inner unit is made up of four major muscles that contract inwardly to create intra abdominal pressure. Intra-abdominal pressure or IAP for short supports your spine from the inside in much the same way that pumping air into a football gives it shape and makes it solid. We use these muscles when we 'brace' our midsection when we move. Bracing is however vital for all physical performance, midsection appearance and spinal health and is something you need to do during every exercise within this plan. But don't worry. In Core Training for Faster Running we show you exactly how to perform this core skill – and do so correctly...
  3. The Outer Layer , which is responsible for major spinal movements, and therefore the ones that will be targeted during your core workouts. These four main outer layer muscles are the large muscles that are generally thought of as the 'show' muscles: the Rectus Abdominus, Erector Spinae and obliques.

Then we look in turn at the three different ways in which muscles work, and the six essential principles of exercise success.

NB: if you fail to observe these principles, it's very unlikely you will see any noticeable improvements in the strength and function of your core muscles.

You'll complete this section knowing exactly how to prepare for the demanding and effective training programmes that follow. And be a so much faster runner as a result.

Constructing a Runner-Specific Warm-Up: core training drills that properly prepare you for the hard work to come?

The approach to warming up for sports activities has changed dramatically in recent years. Traditionally warms ups would involve 5-15 minutes of gentle cardiovascular exercise to raise body temperature, usually jogging, followed by static (held) stretches. There are much more effective ways to warm up for all sports and this includes running.

So in Core Training for Faster Running we help you construct a running-specific warm-up that'll bring you the following concrete performance benefits:

  • Raise body temperature - this process will 'switch on' numerous physiological processes that make subsequent vigorous exercise more effective and safer;
  • Get you mentally ready to exercise, by putting you in the right frame of mind to get the best from your body (known to sports psychologists as being in the 'zone of optimal functioning' or simply 'in the zone'
  • Boost your neuromuscular system so that should you be competing, you are better placed to do so (of which more later and particular relevant to sprinters)
  • Improve specific range of movement - due to decreases in viscous resistance (muscles literally become more stretchy);
  • Increase oxygen utilisation in muscles, as haemoglobin release is facilitated at higher body temperatures
  • Enhance your progressive development of running specific strength – by the utilisation of running specific exercises;
  • Improve your running technique via the regular and progressive performance of specific running exercises

The bottom line: you'll dramatically increase your speed – due to a combination of all of the above.

Exercises you'd typically include in a running-specific warm up include numerous running and running movement related type drills, such as marching high knees and lunges.

However in Core Training for Faster Running we have identified five drills and derivatives that also specifically target your core.

Click here to go to our special, 40% Discount Offer. Or read on to learn more about Core Training for Faster Running

Bringing New Strength to Your Core: weight-training with a difference

Most people associate core exercises with high repetition bodyweight exercises. But as with running in general, there is more than one way to skin the proverbial cat in terms of training.

While moderate to high repetitions will increase your core muscular endurance, if you want to develop strength, you'll need to overload your muscles with a significant external load and this is best done by lifting some weights (or by holding for longer the length of an isometric muscle action).

So in the next section of Core Training for Faster Running we give you a four-exercise strength-training workout using supersets to allow you to get more work done in less time – very useful when you are in a hurry.

Click here to go to our special, 40% Discount Offer. Or read on to learn more about Core Training for Faster Running

The A – Z of Core Training: exercise routines and equipment to meet every conceivable need

Now we get to the nitty-gritty – how best to train your core, and make yourself a much faster runner.

In all, we give you seven different core training programmes using every conceivable type of gym equipment – and even including a body weight routine:

Every routine is clearly set out, complete with detailed explanations and photographs to illustrate technique. Everything you need to ensure that you're training properly – and safely.

  • Core Training with a Swiss Ball: Swiss or stability balls are excellent core training tools. They increase the range of movement possible at the spine, add an element of balance and coordination that is missing from most other core training exercises and make even simple bodyweight exercises more demanding. Cheap and portable, stability balls are a useful addition to your core training armoury.
  • Core Training with Medicine balls and Powerbags: medicine balls and Powerbags enable a myriad of core and other body part exercises to be performed. You can use them to add resistance to your training like 'hard' weights, such as barbells and dumbbells and kettlebells, but their obvious beauty is their relative softness and portability. This makes them great for dynamic exercise, as you can throw them and catch them.
  • Core Training with a Tornado Ball: tornado balls are essentially medicine balls threaded with a strong rope handle. They are great for explosive movements and develop core power. If you don't have access to a Tornado ball, you can get a similarly effective workout by putting a medicine ball in a strong duffle bag. Most Tornado ball exercises involve rotation so expect to feel this workout in your obliques.
  • Core Training with a Suspension Trainer: more general i.e. non-core specific exercises performed using a TRX or other similar suspension training equipment place considerable indirect emphasis on the core muscles. There are also some very effective specific suspension trainer core exercises. Suspension equipment is very versatile, highly portable and effective; not just for core training but for exercising your whole body. Adjust the length of your TRX to make the exercises easier or harder. In general, the shorter the straps, the easier the exercise will be.
  • Core Training using Wall Bars/High Bar: wall bars or a high bar make for a great way to train your abdominals and in particular the lower region of the rectus abdominus and the hip flexors. In terms of being beneficial to running these exercises will strengthen the muscles that lift and lower your knees, which will benefit your faster running where your knees have to lift powerfully up and forwards. They will also teach you postural control and develop greater core awareness as – rather like many suspension training exercises – you'll not be anchored to the ground when performing the exercises and will therefore have to combat rotation and swaying momentum.
  • Core Training with Resistance Bands: resistance bands are a cheap and portable alternative to resistance training machines, free weights and other more cumbersome and expensive training equipment. Used in conjunction with a suitable door anchor, you can target almost every muscle in your body using resistance bands, including your core.
  • Core Training Using Bodyweight Exercises: core training needn't be complicated and in many cases, doesn't require an abundance of exercise equipment – as many of the sections provided previously indicate. You can work your core muscles almost anywhere by using bodyweight exercises. On the downside, bodyweight exercises provide a limited amount of overload and usually require a relatively high number of repetitions. High reps develop muscular endurance but this is no bad thing for most runners.

So there you have it! A complete core training 'tool kit' for runners – everything you could conceivably need to know about strengthening your body's muscular core...and subsequently achieving your running personal best.

Whatever your chosen event...

So whether you're a 100m sprinter, an 1800 specialist, a 10k enthusiast, or a distance running veteran, be sure to get your advance copy of this comprehensive training workbook – TODAY.

Details of your special, early-release discount offer

As a registered member of our Peak Performance web site, you qualify for a copy of Core Training for Faster Running at a special 40% discount. Place your order today and you pay just $29.99 instead of the full price of $50.00.

You save 40%.

And because it's a PDF report, you'll receive it within one working day of completing your order.

Core Training for Faster Running is one of a series of special online training resources from Peak Performance, the sports science newsletter. This specialist training programme is not available elsewhere.

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  • A $20.01 saving: the special price of Core Training for Faster Running is a full US$20.01 less than the official cover price. You pay just $29.99, instead of the normal price of $50.00
  • Our Unconditional Money-back Guarantee: if, for any reason, you decide Core Training for Faster Running doesn't deliver what we promise, just let us know. We'll refund your money in full, immediately and without question.

To order your copy, simply go to our secure site, which is administered and guaranteed by Worldpay, and enter your details.

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