Tuesday, 07 August 2012

Fw: Can Hypoxi training spot reduce fat?

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From: Sports Performance Bulletin <info@email.sports-performance.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 10:04:12 +0200 (CEST)
To: Mondli Linda<shekefula@gmail.com>
ReplyTo: sp_info-reply@email.sports-performance.com
Subject: Can Hypoxi training spot reduce fat?

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Sports Performance Bulletin


How does Hypoxi Training
burn stubborn fat areas?

Peak Performance Issues

Dear Reader,

Unlikely though it seems, Hypoxi training appears to offer that holy grail: removing stubborn fatty deposits around the buttocks, thighs, belly and other areas. But does it really work – and if so, how well?

On behalf of our members, the Peak Performance editors decided to investigate. Our first step was to search the world medical research centres for verifiable, independent test results.

The results of our report, now available, will interest all readers.

Are there any scientific studies into Hypoxi training?

Very little serious research on Hypoxi training has appeared in general media in either the USA or Europe. Most of the endorsements we have seen are from beautiful show-business folk, and those are always difficult to substantiate.

But amid all the hype, there is the possibility those attractive people may indeed have discovered something! So, the question is this:

Is the idea of the perfect body image possible using Hypoxi training?

If it is, then how come we haven't all heard about it?

The reason for the lack of serious studies is that most research has only appeared in foreign language journals – and that is where Peak Performance can help. We commissioned one of our star writers - Rosemary Marchese - to look into Hypoxi training and let us know if it really works; and if so, how well?

It is claimed that Hypoxi training can:

  • Eliminate stubborn fat deposits in abdominal, hip, legs and gluteal regions
  • Tone the skin
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Improve circulation

The Peak Performance report focuses specifically on the validity of the fat loss claims being made by Hypoxi training worldwide. Finding supporting research from an English-based country proved difficult. Much of the independent research has been conducted in languages other than English, and preliminary studies are not available in peer-reviewed journals. However translations are slowly sifting through and the results are astounding.

Click here to order a pre-publication copy of the Hypoxi training report

How well does Hypoxi training work?

In a nutshell, these are the important questions the Peak Performance report answers:

Is Hypoxi training for men or women? Hypoxi fat-reduction training is for both men and women. For men, stubborn fat mostly sits around the midriff and belly. For women, it's the backside and thighs. The Hypoxi training method attacks all these areas.

How does Hypoxi training help athletes? For many athletes, no matter how long and hard they train, stubborn fat deposits remain and can interfere with performances. Focusing on, and improving key problem areas is important in maximising performances.

Why doesn't general exercise get rid of ALL fatty deposits? It has long been recognised that although regular training delivers fitness and usually reduces fat overall, it often fails to eliminate accumulated fatty areas we personally wish to target. Our report looks at why this is, and if the problem can be resolved.

What studies have taken place? Dr Sauer, a specialist in Nutritional and Orthomolecular Medicine, reported on the effects of Hypoxi Training in March 2004. She has an impressive medical background and her extensive practical experience supports Hypoxi training as an effective fat burning method, particularly for spot reduction of fat in stubborn areas. There have been other independent tests, and these are described below.

Does Hypoxi training lose fat, not muscle? Available studies are authenticated by the use of DEXA (Dual-energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) methods to verify that the weight loss from Hypoxi training can be mostly attributed to fat loss.

How does Hypoxi training actually work? Hypoxi training involves low-intensity aerobic training whilst simultaneously exposing stubborn body fat to alternating high and low pressure, delivered through a series of compression and extraction pumps - a kind of 'push, pull effect'.

This is the foundation of the Hypoxi training method. This continual drawing in and pushing away of blood to specific body parts is showing to be effective in the localised burning of fat from previously stubborn body areas.

Click here to order a pre-publication copy of the Hypoxi training report

The Hypoxi training method works on selected areas

It is well known that during aerobic training, the muscles derive their fatty acid fuel from the skin layers, which can more quickly provide the fat. This is how overall fat is lost with general training.

Hypoxi training uses alternating high and low pressure on body parts to move blood to and from specific areas. This encourages the mobilisation of fatty acids as a fuel source for energy from the areas you select (rather than from just anywhere).

Hypoxi training can either be done by wearing a garment with pressurised chambers, or by exercising on a machine enclosed in an airtight chamber. Hypoxi uses the heart rate formula and a heart rate monitor to ensure you exercise at low intensities to keep them in optimum fat burning ranges.

Spot fat reduction for women and men

Our Hypoxi report explains about the different Hypoxi trainers, how they work and what they achieve. Here are further extracts from the report:

Spot fat reduction for women: A 2007 study designed to test the effectiveness of Hypoxi in the reduction of body fat mass in the 'female problem areas' found Hypoxi training is effective when controlled nutritional guidelines are implemented.

This study compared the effects of Hypoxi training combined with a nutritional program with other methods over 12 weeks. The main results were:

  • Hypoxi training combined with a nutritional program had a more significant impact on weight loss compared to other treatment methods, including a diet only strategy
  • The weight loss achieved by the Hypoxi training group was shown to be related to a decrease in total body fat mass, significantly greater than other methods
  • Hypoxi training was effective at specifically reducing waist, stomach and hip sizes
  • Hypoxi training was most effect at reducing cellulite and skin appearance

A 2010 study from Hamburg University compared the effect of Hypoxi training with traditional exercise only. They recruited 20 overweight or obese women, divided into two groups:

  1. The first group performed a four-week exercise program on a conventional bicycle ergometer.
  2. The second group performed the same amount of exercise using the S120 machine from Hypoxi.

Both groups exercised within an aerobic state for 30 minutes three times per week.

The results of this study were:

  • The Hypoxi training group showed significantly greater results with an average reduction in the circumference in the female 'problem areas', i.e. hips, gluteals and proximal thighs of 13.1 cm compared to 4.8 cm.
  • The reduction in the circumference of all the body parts measured in the study was significantly greater for the Hypoxi group with a total reduction of the circumference at 19.9 cm compared to 8.3 cm.

Click here to order a pre-publication copy of the Hypoxi training report

Spot fat reduction for men: the study also recruited 16 overweight men and divided them into two groups comparing traditional treadmill training with Hypoxi training.

The Hypoxi training group used the Vacunaut, a neoprene suit specifically designed to alternate pressure in the areas of the abdomen and hips. The results of this study for the men were:

  • The reduction in circumference was significantly greater in the Hypoxi training group compared to the control group
  • The circumference decrease of waist, abdomen and hips showed significantly greater results for the Hypoxi group with a 13.3cm reduction average compared to a 4.4cm average reduction in the control group.

Click here to order a pre-publication copy of the Hypoxi training report

Conclusion: targeted reduction in body fat

The authors of this study concluded that Hypoxi is a superior training method for reduction in body fat in target areas, compared to traditional methods of training.

It is apparent from the evidence available that Hypoxi has the potential to be effective for the reduction of stubborn body fat of which so many athletes and general fitness clients complain.

Hypoxi training may be here in the fitness industry to stay, and is fast becoming recognised as a potential adjunct to the professional training programs amongst athletes and sports people.

Free pre-publication Hypoxi report available now

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