Thursday, 15 December 2011


Hi, its been a while. I hope you still taking good care of yourself, body & soul, through exercise. If you are fit you are able, making life more fun especially during holidays with family & friends.

A lady in her 60's asked me why I always tell people to exercise & does it also apply to people of her age? Well it is critical to note that elderly adults older than 65 years have a greater risk of becoming frail.

Here are some Physiological changes associated with ageing:
There's a decrease in Maximal Heart Rate, VO2peak, Reaction time, Muscular strength, Muscle mass, Flexibility, Balance, Bone density, Kidney function, Acid-base control, Glucose tolerance, Cellular water, Drug clearance, Basal Metabolic rate, & Lean body mass. While Resting BP, Exercise BP, Respiratory frequency, & Body fat increase.

Remember, physical activity improves muscle strength, endurance, & maximal aerobic power. Also flexibility, balance, motor control & coordination are improved, which result in reduced risk of falling while promoting mobility. Exercise (or physical activity) therefore improves functional limitations & help maintain or promote independence in daily living activities.

To increase functional capacity & independence, increase overall muscle strength, decrease risk of falling, & increase hand strength, the elderly may exercise 3-5 days per week with Aerobic sessions ranging from 5-60 minutes, & strength exercise must be ±20 minutes per session.

Examples of Aerobic exercise:
Strength exercise make use of free weights, weight machines, isokinetic machines, etc.

Please consult with your Doctor or Biokineticist before starting any exercise programme, & it is important to note that intensity & type of exercise may differ from person to person.

Bring back the fun in your life, start active. Why? 'Coz FIT IS FUN

Remember you can connect with me on Facebook page: Shekefula for better health / Twitter: @shekefula / Blackberry Messenger: 21E2B5E3

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